Achieve Amazing Digestive Health Part 2!

"A healthy microbiome translates into a healthy human."
David Perlmutter, MD

A new paradigm of understanding the digestive system is happening. We are no longer viewing the gastrointestinal tract as merely a food tube to extract nutrients and eliminate waste. We’ve discovered a vast microbiome of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that inhabit our guts. There are more than 1,000 ‘known’ bacterial species living in our gut, with more being discovered all the time! This is significant because studies show these bugs help us to regulate processes, such as: metabolism, body weight, immunity, bone density, and even mood.

As I mentioned in my previous article, ‘all disease begins in the gut’, it is important to understand the role of the gut microbiome, its relationship to digestive disorders, and how food and cleansing can help restore it!

Here is a list of foods which may be upsetting or have a harmful affect on the digestive system and its ‘inhabitants’:

  • Highly processed and packaged foods

  • Deep fried foods

  • Spicy foods

  • Pasteurized dairy products

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

This list goes on of possible culprits, but these foods are common contenders when it comes to digestive disorders, and they certainly aren’t supporting your friendly gut bacteria. Over time, improper food choices begin to alter your microbiome, shifting the balance of good and bad bacteria, and can pave the way for all kinds of health concerns. So, if you’ve been experiencing digestive issues, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, low immunity, or a myriad of other symptoms you may need to attend to your friendly gut bugs.

To achieve amazing digestive health, let’s now look at the supportive foods and cleansing procedures which will encourage the growth of friendly bacteria.

Beneficial foods for digestive health include:

  • Aloe Vera (fresh)

  • Celery and/or Cucumber Juice

  • Fruits

  • Oatmeal, rice, and other whole grains

  • Sauerkraut, kombucha, miso, and other fermented foods

  • Sprouted seeds, nuts and legumes

  • Steamed and raw vegetables

With the complexity of digestion, and the uniqueness of every person, some foods may work wonderful for some people and not so great for others. Find what works best for you or reach out to a holistic nutritionist or naturopathic doctor for further guidance.

Cleansing is a fascinating topic filled with history, controversy and especially fear. As I mentioned above, we are all unique individuals, in different stages of life, with various health concerns and thus different methods of cleansing and fasting are appropriate according to the given context.

Cleansing and fasting have been utilized for thousands of years by nearly all cultures around the world, and they innately understood the plethora of benefits. When we jump ahead to present day, we are eating a more highly refined diet than our ancestors did and subsequently consuming a lot more food than we used to. Additionally, there are all the pesticides, preservatives, and other chemicals that have a variety of affects on our digestive organs and overall health. This raises the importance of cleansing and fasting in the modern era, as our digestive systems have a lot more to deal with. Below are some of the various methods and degrees of cleansing.

Practices of cleansing and fasting include:

  • Water fasting

  • Juice fasting

  • Mono-diets

  • Partial fasts

  • Herbal detoxes

  • Water enemas

  • Traditional Ayurvedic cleanses

Water fasting is self-explanatory and involves simply consuming water and, in some cases, herbal teas. Juice fasting is comparable, but incorporates freshly-pressed vegetable and fruit juices. Mono-diets are the consumption of a single food, such as grapes, apples, or even rice for a single meal or multiple days. Partial fasts are the easiest to take part in and involve removing certain foods from the diet while still eating your normal amount. Herbal detoxes utilize the sacred power of herbs to help detoxify specific organs and the intestines. Water enemas are used to flush out old waste and plaque from the colon with water and select herbs. Ayurvedic cleanses are arguably the safest and oldest of all cleansing techniques and involve specific foods, herbs, daily routines, and self-massage to purify the body.

The benefits of these procedures are innumerable and, while there are definitely contraindications and potential risks, they are invaluable for coping with our toxic environment and rejuvenating our digestive health.

Whatever cleanse is right for you, working with the appropriate health practitioner during a cleanse can provide a vital level of personalized support and can, in turn, amplify the benefits you’ll gain from the process.

Check out my Holistic Nutrition Consultation packages today and get started on your path to amazing digestive health!